商品名: サンセットイエロー
カラーインデックス: 15985
カラーインデックス食品: Yellow 3
CAS番号: 2783-94-0
CNC番号: 08.006
Sunset yellow is also known as orange yellow, sunset yellow, sunset yellow. Edible synthetic pigment, orange red powder or granules, odorless, insoluble in oil, slightly soluble in ethanol, easily soluble in water, glycerin, propylene glycol, water solution is orange, light resistant, heat resistant, acid resistant, stable in citric acid, tartaric acid, alkali color turns dark, with reddish-brown, fading during reduction, high safety.
Sunset Yellow can be used as food colorant, medicine and cosmetics, medicine, is also the raw material for the manufacture of aluminum salt lake.