
Product Name:Stevia
CAS 번호:
외관: 백색 힘


It has no sugar and without calorie, good taste and no peculiar smell. It is a new sugar source with broad development prospects. Its natural low calorific value and very close to the taste of sucrose. In addition to sugarcane and beet sugar, it is the third kind of natural sweetener with development value and health promotion, and is known as “the third sugar source in the world” in the world.



Stevioside is widely used in food industry as food sweetener and preservative. It is used to produce high sweetness, low calorie,low salt and anti caries food.
According to GB2760-1996, stevioside can be used in candies, cakes, beverages, solid drinks, fried snacks, candied fruits,
preserved fruits, condiments, soft ice cream, and medical accessories. The amount of stevioside used shall be appropriate according to the production needs.
Used as food sweetener, especially suitable for hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, dental caries, etc



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