Hesperidina CAS 520-26-3

Product name: hesperidin

Cas no.: 520-26-3

MF: C28H34O15

Appearance: light brown Powder




  • Appearance: light brown Powder
  • Melting point/freezing point: > 258 – <= 262 °C. Atm. press.:Ca. 1 atm.
  • Boiling point or initial boiling point and boiling range: > 251 °C. Atm. press.:Ca. 1 atm.
  • Flash point: 107°C(lit.)
  • Auto-ignition temperature: > 400 °C. Remarks:Hesperidin is considered as not auto-flammable under the test conditions.
  • pH: >= 7 – <= 7.2. Remarks: Two measurements within 10 minutes were made.
  • Solubility: DMSO (Slightly), Pyridine (Slightly, Sonicated)
  • Partition coefficient n-octanol/water: log Pow = < 0.3. Temperature: 25 °C.
  • Vapour pressure: < 0.001 Pa. Temperature:25 °C. Remarks:Estimated value: 1.64 E-24 Pa.;< 0.001 mm Hg. Temperature: 25 °C. Remarks:1.23 E-26 mmHg.
  • Density and/or relative density: 1.423 g/cm3. Temperature:20 °C

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