효모 추출물 CAS No.8013-01-2 L-리나릴 아세테이트 Radix scutellariate

이름 yeast
동의어 yeast
Yeast extract
L-linalyl acetate
Radix scutellariate
Root of Baikal Skullcap
카스 8013-01-2
아이넥스 232-387-9

yeast – 물리화학적 특성

보관상태 방 온도
Sensitive Easily absorbing moisture
MDL MFCD00132599
사용 Water-soluble extracts of autolytic yeast cells. This product is a mixture of amino acids, peptides, water-soluble vitamins and carbohydrates, and can be used as an additive to the culture medium.

yeast – Reference


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1. Wang Xinchun, Xu Wei, Jiang Jianxin, etc. Study on in vitro metabolic process of oxidative degradation products of wi…

yeast – 소개

Ultrafiltration-grade yeast extract uses purified cultured high-quality yeast as raw material, adopts advanced biodirected degradation and membrane treatment and other key technologies, combined with a strictly implemented quality assurance system, and the product quality reaches the international advanced level, filling the domestic blank. This product is prepared under certain conditions and retains vitamin content and other nutrients, such as free amino acids. Rich in vitamins, especially complex B vitamins, such factors are usually provided in the culture medium at a concentration of 0.3-0.5%. It is especially suitable for use in cultivating microorganisms in milk or other dairy products. This product is suitable for laboratory research, which is conducive to improving the product metabolism or protein expression level of genetically engineered bacteria. The product quality is stable, and the use repeatability is good. It can fully meet the cutting-edge bioengineering of genetically modified drugs, hyaluronic acid, vaccines, interferon, etc. Industrial production needs in the field. 1. Suitable for rapid microbial production and high-density culture 2. The solubility of ultrafiltration products is greater than 20%, which is conducive to the purification of fermented products 3. Low endotoxin, good repeatability (tryptone yeast powder) combined use, better effect: 1. Uniform particles, good fluidity, improve moisture absorption ability 2. Light color, clear and translucent solution 3. No phosphate sterilization precipitation
Last Update:2022-10-16 17:29:02

yeast – Uses and synthesis methods

mechanism of action

1. Yeast nucleotide

Nucleotide (Nucleotide, NT for short) is formed by linking nitrogen-containing bases, ribose or deoxyribose, and phosphate. It is the basic unit of nucleic acid and plays an important role in organisms. The addition of exogenous nucleotides can have a significant impact on the gastrointestinal immune system and liver function of animals. Under specific conditions, nucleotides need to be supplemented to ensure the normal physiological functions of the body.

2. Yeast β-glucan

β-glucan (β-Glucan) is one of the most important structural components of yeast cell wall, most of which are water insoluble or colloidal particles. Different from other sugars, the monosaccharides of general sugars are bound by β-1,4 bonds, while the monosaccharides in β-glucan are connected by β-1,3 bonds and β -1,6 bonds. Due to the special bonding method and the existence of molecular hydrogen bonds, β-glucan has a spiral molecular structure, and its special configuration is easily accepted by the immune system. Studies have shown that β-glucan is the matrix of immune response, which can stimulate the proliferation of lymphocytes in animals, activate the complement of macrophages in animals, promote the formation of antibodies and induce the production of interferon, and enhance its cellular immunity And humoral immune function, thereby improving the body’s specific and non-specific immune function, improving animal health, and improving survival rate.

Preparation of strains

the strains used are brewer’s yeast (Scerevisiaec Hansen) and red pseudomonas (Rhodopseudomonas). Compound culture in liquid medium. The composition of the culture medium is: glucose 3%, ammonium sulfate 0.5%, calcium carbonate 0.003%, sodium chloride 0.02%, yeast extract 0.2%, sterilized at 121 ℃ for 30rain, cooled and connected with the above two strains. Culture conditions: 30±1 ℃, intermittent ventilation, ventilation of 1:0.5-1:0.8 vvm, stirring speed of 150 r/min, culture of 2-3 d, that is, mature seed liquid.

Last Update:2024-04-09 01:59:50


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