The Hidden Gem in Beetroots: Betacyanin

When strolling through the supermarket, you might come across a purple-red root vegetable resembling a radish known as the beetroot, or commonly referred to as red beet. Inexpensive and widely available, beetroot has been categorized as a vital part of vitality diets in Asia. However, it’s no stranger in Western countries. Over recent years, numerous studies have uncovered the health benefits of beetroots, propelling them into the spotlight as a trendy health vegetable.

But, do you know what gives beetroots their “red” hue?

Beetroots are mostly spherical with red flesh and can be cooked directly or made into beverages. The reason why beverages made from beetroots have a red color is due to their rich content of betacyanin, a pigment that is also an excellent antioxidant with cancer-fighting properties.

What is Betacyanin?

Betacyanin is a commonly used natural pigment, with betanin being its main component, accounting for 75% to 95% of the red pigment. Betacyanin appears as a red-purple to deep purple liquid, block, powder, or paste. Its aqueous solution exhibits a red to purple-red color. In terms of stability, it is relatively stable at pH levels between 3.0 and 7.0, with maximum stability at pH levels between 4.0 and 5.0. Compared to other colorants, betacyanin is quite stable during food processing and storage. Its stability is slightly improved in the presence of vitamin C and can prevent fading when polysaccharides are present, making it suitable for foods not affected by heat and light.

The Role of Betacyanin in Our Lives

In medical applications, betacyanin possesses antioxidant properties, helps prevent tumors, reduces blood lipids, alleviates muscle fatigue, and can prevent cancer and malignant tumors. In the food industry, according to the “GB 2760-2014 Food Additive Use Standards,” betacyanin can also be added and used in food products. It is an ideal colorant for fruit juices, sodas, blended liquors, candies, pastries, canned goods, and concentrated fruit juices, with extensive applications in these fields.

Did you know that beetroot juice is also a very popular nutritional supplement? Although its earthy taste may not be appealing to everyone, incorporating it into your regular training routine by trying a red vegetable salad or juice might be a good choice.

Brand Name: WPACHEM

Website: WPACHEM

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